Tyyne Kananen, Elizabeth Waltanen, John Honkavaara, Adele and Jean Taavola, Melvin Maatta, Aili,Myra and Minerva...hit the picture and you can zoom in for a better view. Paul said Fred Kemp told him the names of everyone here. He wishes he had written them down. So do I.
[Nov 30, 2005 at 07:52 PM]
I am having so much fun with this picture!
I copied and emailed it to my mother to verify some guesses. The two towheaded boys in dark shirts in the front row are the Taavola twins. Right behind them with the undeniable grin is Freddie Loukkinen and I think Arnie is sitting next to him. I think that May Kujala Wight is the little dark haired girl second row center and Delores Wiideman Macko is sitting to the left of May. I think Tyne Hayrynen Kujala is sitting behind her daughter May. There is a little boy with a hat in the front row. Straight up from him and a bit to the left in the first standing row is Ingrid Suksi Wiitala (Teacher). To the left of Ingrid is Jingo (W) Viitala Vachon (Author). And I suspect that Harold Wiitala Sr. is standing next to Jingo. Take a look at the woman standing right next to Ingrid on the right and the man sitting in the hat. Whattaya think?
[Nov 30, 2005 at 08:00 PM]
The kindergarteners in this picture graduated from Jeffers in the class of '57
[Nov 30, 2005 at 08:49 PM]
My mom thinks I'm wrong about Harold. She pointed out Mary Sipola, sitting between Reino and Tom Sipola up behind Delores. Stanley Laurala is the scrunchy nose kid in the front row and Ingrid Tuisku (Dick Storm's mom) is sitting farthest right with her son Loren on her lap. Mrs. Berry of Berry Rd. Misery Bay is the chubby lady farthest left sitting side to the camera. Her husband Matt Berry is behind her.
[Nov 30, 2005 at 08:52 PM]
One more thing! Mom thinks that Ellen Kannanen Hirvi is sitting next to Freddy. Dorothy is actually sitting next to the Taavola Boys and the girl I thought was Dorothy is Jean Larson.
[Nov 30, 2005 at 09:50 PM]
Keep 'em coming,Lynn! Your mother's judgment is trusted here :D
We welcome anybody's guesses!
[Dec 01, 2005 at 04:23 PM]
I might be getting stumped by another of my Elm River projects!
[Dec 01, 2005 at 09:53 PM]
My mom says that Mr. Salmi is sitting front row far right with his daughter Enid on his lap. She said also that he was a perfect gentleman. I find that my mother refers to all of her elders with thier formal titles. It would be nice to build a Toivola gallery where we could all share our photos. I'm sure we all have a little something tucked in the shoebox.
[Feb 16, 2006 at 12:16 AM]
I'm all for the Toivola Shoe Box Memory page. Which makes me think, even though it isn't an old memory yet, I bet there's tons of people with pics of the shoe tree already. Someday it too will be a memory. Like that old sign on Rauvala Road that read Road Side Spring; When you stopped to get a drink, all you found was a rusty old bed spring! Now, who could've put that there, eh?
[Jul 12, 2006 at 01:28 AM]
My father-in-law, Eino Heikkinen, was raised in the Toivola area and went to the Heikkinen school. He was the first bus driver for the school using his own panel van as a bus. His sisters Ina and Anna still live in the area and I believe they still help make the pasties. I would be very surprised if there aren't at least a few of the Heikkinen family members in that photo. I'll try printing it and showing it to my father-in-law to see how many he can name.
I copied and emailed it to my mother to verify some guesses. The two towheaded boys in dark shirts in the front row are the Taavola twins. Right behind them with the undeniable grin is Freddie Loukkinen and I think Arnie is sitting next to him. I think that May Kujala Wight is the little dark haired girl second row center and Delores Wiideman Macko is sitting to the left of May. I think Tyne Hayrynen Kujala is sitting behind her daughter May. There is a little boy with a hat in the front row. Straight up from him and a bit to the left in the first standing row is Ingrid Suksi Wiitala (Teacher). To the left of Ingrid is Jingo (W) Viitala Vachon (Author). And I suspect that Harold Wiitala Sr. is standing next to Jingo. Take a look at the woman standing right next to Ingrid on the right and the man sitting in the hat. Whattaya think?
We welcome anybody's guesses!