Pasty Gallery

islandantique's profile
Username islandantique
Status active
Joined Apr 18, 2008
Full Name Mona Grigg
Location Drummond Island, MI
Occupation writer/editor
Biography We moved from the city to our cabin on Drummond Island nearly 15 years ago, and it was an easy transition because neither of us were really city people. I was born in Laurium a VERY long time ago, and my best memories are of the Copper Country. We chose Drummond Island mainly because we wanted to be Yoopers but just couldn't get that far away from our downstate family. When I need my "Copper Country fix", I head west in the morning and by dinner time, I'm there. Ah, heaven!
(Please join me at, where we're building a community of cabin and camp owners. Just getting started, but looking forward to seeing you there often!)
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09/24/09 at 12:29Beautiful mushrooms. Lovely composition!