Greece 05 - Athens - Day Three
The Erecthion - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
The Karyatids of the Erecthion. - Photo Courtesy of Ravae Wilson.
Tiffani and Rachel posing in front of the Karyatids of the Erecthion on top of the Acropolis of Athens. - Photo Courtesy of Tiff
P5100193 - Photo Courtesy of Jeff Sweeney.
Lynette, Billy, Justina, and Bethany in front of the Erecthion. - Photo Courtesy of Lynette Sikma.
Is justice the name of one of the caryatids? - Photo Courtesy of Lynette Sikma.
A view of Athens from the top of the Acropolis. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
The Greek flag on top of the Acropolis. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
View to the southwest from the Acropolis. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
A view of Mount Lykavatos from the Acropolis. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
A view of the ancient agora from the Acropolis. The temple to the four winds is seen in the lower right corner. The Monastraki s
The rebuilt walls put up around the acropolis of Athens. A massive rebuild of these walls happened right after Darius the Great
Dan and Chad - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
Ravae and Kate - Photo Courtesy of Ravae Wilson.
Ravae and Beccah - Photo Courtesy of Ravae Wilson.
Ravae, Jeff, Beccah, and Tiffani in front of the Parthenon. - Photo Courtesy of Ravae Wilson.