Greece 05 - Athens - Day Three
Meeting in the lobby of the hotel in Athens. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
Winding our way through the streets of Athens on our to Plato's Academy. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
Sunset from the streets of Athens. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.
Lydia, Joe, Jeff, and Jason at Plato's Academy. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.
Doc lecturing at Plato's Academy. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.
Lynette and Doc wrestling in Plato's Academy. - Photo Courtesy of Lynette Sikma.
117 - Photo Courtesy of Ravae Wilson.
Chad and Dan wrestling in Plato's Academy. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
Dan and Chad wrestling at Plato's Academy. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.
Chad calls in the troops to contain the real deal. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.
Have you considered the Academy? - Photo Courtesy of Lynette Sikma.
A very large aloe vera plant on the side of Mount Likavatos. - Photo Courtesy of Eileen Fleischmann.
Eileen, Jessica, Justina, Ravae, Kate, Becca, and Andrea on top of Mount Lykavitos. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.
Group photo #1 in Lykovatos. Photo Courtesy of Christine Jackson.
Kate and Andrea
Chad and Brandon on top of Lykovitos. - Photo Courtesy of Chad Hetherman.