The Great Blue Heron and The Great Horned Owl
The launch. Very poor lighting equals slow shutter speed but kind of cool anyway.
On Thin Ice
Cold Feet
Walking on water?
I surprised this juvenile on a very dark and overcast day when......
......she decided I was too close and made a quick and silent exit.
These large birds are in flight with just one flap of their wings.
The tools of a fish eater.
This young bird allowed me to stand about 20 feet from her. This photo makes a very nice wallpaper.
1 of 4. Heron imitating a swan. This photo and the following three are in sequence.
2 of 4. These are not very good photos but are interesting. It was very overcast and misty. Everything seemed to be the same c
3 of 4. I've been watching herons for many years and it still impresses me how these huge birds can take flight in an explosion
4 of 4. And we have liftoff.
Different Look
After Dinner Drink
The Tongue
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