Continuation of the species: Killdeer

6-23. I've tried to photograph Killdeer with little success. They always seem to scamper off. This one didn't. Can you see why?

She did move a few feet away.........

.......and revealed why she was not leaving.

She returns to settle in on the nest. Amazing!

I went back later in the evening to try the shot in the shade. While there she went into her broken wing routine.

She does this to distract predators from the nest. It was cool to watch but I left quickly.

Rocks or Eggs

He/she is now contented. The incubation period lasts 24-28 days. I'll check back in a week.

I did go back to check progress of the nest and sadly discovered one of the eggs missing. Raccoon?

I began checking the nest daily. She's very committed.


Changing responsibility. Bird on left exits the nest. The other takes over. This is the only time I saw this.

The transition is complete.

7-13. Finally. I was very lucky since the birds only stay on the nest until the babies can all run. About 2 hours after the hatc

I went back 2 hours later hoping to find 3 babies. No such luck. Notice how downy they have become. These birds are born precoci

One of the parents got between me and the nest and apparently gave permission to one of the babies to run. Notice the one on the