Last additions - The Tetons Through Sun, Storm, and Snow

Grand with Glacial MoraineApr 13, 2008

That's alot of ice and snow!Apr 13, 2008

Base of the Grand Teton from Teton GlacierApr 13, 2008

Looking down into Jackson Hole from Teton GlacierApr 13, 2008

Approaching the Grand TetonApr 13, 2008

Looking Down into Cascade Canyon from Table MountainApr 13, 2008

Clouds Lifting Over Leigh LakeApr 13, 2008

The Grand HerselfApr 13, 2008

The Base of Teton GlacierApr 13, 2008

Evening Storm over the TetonsApr 13, 2008

Watching a Storm Over Jackson Hole from Signal MountainApr 13, 2008

Taking a Much Needed Shower in 35 Degree Water! (PaintBrush Canyon)Apr 13, 2008

Looking South close to the Summit of South TetonApr 13, 2008