Nelly settled in to her new homeApr 13, 2008
Rocky and Nelly (adopted December 2005)Apr 13, 2008
Rocky, adopted September 2004 (He's got it made).Apr 13, 2008
Berit the SYP 2003 dogApr 13, 2008
The newest island ferry. Now, because of Homeland Security, they have a high fence surrounding the ferry dock. Yep, Beaver IslApr 13, 2008
B&W, The north harbor from the groundApr 13, 2008
Small island north of Beaver Island, with runway down middle (I think my dad is jealous)Apr 13, 2008
B&W, Harbor on north shoreApr 13, 2008
DSC01387Apr 13, 2008
DSC01385Apr 13, 2008
2004 Chicago Marathon. One mile 26.2 times. (i'm on the left)Apr 13, 2008
Geesh. I've been with these people for five minutes and they've already given me a bath. Apr 13, 2008
Ahhhhh, this is life, don't stop scratching...Apr 13, 2008
beaver island 03Apr 13, 2008
beaver island 02Apr 13, 2008
beaver island 01Apr 13, 2008